Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Welcome to My Webblog

After two days, using widget visitor statistic based on the country in my blog. I really surprise, the visitor coming from Malaysia, Australia, United State, Norway, Australia, it’s also from my Country, Indonesia.

Today’s, I’m still surprise, what they see in my blog, it’s just my own writing. But, I want said Welcome to my webblog and thanks for visiting.

I hope, you are not disappointed for visiting. The aim of this blog is to raising the spirit of Indonesia. In this site, you may get article about Indonesia, literature essay, short story, poem, and etc. I hope, one day, this blog/site will be bilingual language (Indonesia and English). So, Indonesia people and all people around the world can read about Indonesia social, politic, especially culture and art.

So, one against. Welcome to my webblog friends!

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